• Welcome To Use
  • Download Real PC Spy
  • Install Real PC Spy
  • Run As Administrator
  • Setup Login Password
  • Understand The Interface
  • Change Program Settings
  • Stealth Mode
  • Log & Report
  • Screenshot
  • Exclusion
  • Delivery
  • Task Scheduler
  • Upgrade To Pro Edition
  • Uninstall Program
  • FAQ
  • Understand The Interface

    The interface of Real PC Spy is very neat and easy to understand. As you can see, it mainly contains three parts.

    The buttons on the top line is called Navigation Bar.

    Start: Once you are happy with your Real PC Spy settings, click the button "Start" on the Navigation Bar to start monitoring.

    Stop: Once you are ready to terminate the monitoring process, click the "Stop" button on the Navigation Bar to start monitoring.

    Hide: Hide the main interface and let Real PC Spy work invisibly. You will need to press you hotkeys simultaneously to bring the program back from the Stealth Mode. The hotkey is Ctrl + Alt + X as default.

    Settings: Click on the "Settings" button to change settings of the software. Click Change Program Settings in this user manual to know more about it.

    Export All: Export the log records to a HTML file to create a report . The report will also be saved on your computer hard disk drive.

    Delete All: Delete all log records, including all screenshots stored on your PC HDD.

    User Manual: Launch the online help file that you are now reading.

    Support: Request online support from our customer care center.

    Website: Launch product web page, where you can find software introduction, download or upgrade the software online.

    Upgrade: The software is a free software. The basic features including keystrokes logging, screen monitoring and web surfing monitoring are completely free. If you would like to enable all wonderful advanced features like stealth mode, unlimited screenshot, report delivery, you can buy it with a small fee by clicking on the "Upgrade" button. The price is a one time payment for a permanent license. After upgrading, you can enable maximum protection for your kids' internet safety.

    Uninstall: Remove the software by simply clicking on this button.

    The boxes on left side under Navigation Bar are Log Category and Logged Users.

    Access to view different type of logs by click on the Log Category. Click Windows users in Logged Users to check logs of different users.